Congress has finally been contemplating global warming — in the form of the "Climate Security Act." Unfortunately, they are just "contemplating"--not acting. It's all very reminiscent of Nero fiddling while Rome burned....only this time it's our entire planet.
Senator Boxer talks about the Climate Security Act and "cap and trade"
See the video at:
More than 31,000 credible scientists disagree with the "man made global warming" theory and call it an elaborate hoax designed to make a lot of money for those selling cap & trade carbon credits.There are literally hundreds of books and journal publications with a focus on geomorphology; glacial geology, environmental and engineering geology that prove this is a hoax.
A hoax? You mean something like starting a war on lies so you and your elite corporate friends like Halliburton and KBR can make gigantic profits from the deaths of millions, including those of our own soldiers? Is that the kind of hoax you mean?
It seems to me that those who are warning about the looming global warming crisis care more about the planet and the survival of its inhabitants than profiting for themselves.
Dear Anonymous 2,
The 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" recently discovered in Iraq, prove there were no lies about WMD's. It was very real! Regarding the global warming hoax about CO2 emissions; there hasn't been one scientific publications that proves it. However, there have been hundreds of published journals that disprove Al Gore's theories. His fear mongering statements are done to put money in his pocket, period.
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