Saturday, July 19, 2008

Gramm whines and blames Dems for his departure from McCain campaign

Phil Gramm, multi-millionaire designer of McCain's economic policies quits the campaign...after telling us that we middle-class Americans are "whiners" and our concerns are just "a mental recession." Then he proceeds to blame his exit on the Democrats. Typical Republican tactics which we have come to know only too well under the Bush/Cheney debacle of an administration.

As for real whining, read the following from Gramm and McCain's campaign: "It is clear to me that Democrats want to attack me rather than debate Senator McCain on important economic issues facing the country,” Mr. Gramm said in a statement issued by the campaign. “That kind of distraction hurts not only Senator McCain’s ability to present concrete programs to deal with the country’s problems, it hurts the country.”

So, off into the sunset goes multi-millionaire banker Gramm, with a beautiful roof over his head and no worries about where his next meal is coming from, still creating in his head all the wonderful economic policies that benefit him and his multi-millionaire friends. He and his corporate buddies are the best examples of what has gone so horribly wrong with our country. President Eisenhower warned against men like Gramm and Bush and Cheney and the military/industrial complex they represent.

To read more about what Eisenhower warned us of in the late '50s, read The End of America by Naomi Wolf. You can watch a video of her presentation at: and learn the ten steps despots always take when they want to take over a society. There is a blueprint/shopping list they go through -- listen to Wolf relate where we in America are today on that shopping list.


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