Tuesday, July 01, 2008

McCain talks about "trusting people's word"

You've really got to have a sense of humor when you hear John McCain
claiming that the 2008 election "is about trust and trusting people's
word … Senator Obama's word cannot be trusted."

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black (neat unintended pun there).
The number of times McCain has flip-flopped are almost uncountable...but
Keith Olbermann has attempted to list many of them, including GI
educational funding, lobbying reform, campaign reform, immigration, gay
marriage, abortion, nuclear waste … torture of detainees, the Iraq War …
and a long, long list of other issues on which McCain has shifted
positions. To hear them all, go to:

http://rawstory.com/rawreplay/?p=1392 and watch the video.

Oh, the delicious satire that can be made about a guy like McCain!
Actually, he satirizes himself constantly--it's hard to keep up with him.
