Saturday, July 19, 2008

Larry King lately is presenting many programs re. UFOs

Videos of many of these programs are listed and can be clicked on to view at:

I find UFO information very interesting, and obviously Larry King does, too, as he is devoting much program time lately to this subject. He has interviewed scientists, physicists, military members, police, journalists, and everyday people who tell credible stories of their own experiences in observing UFOs. It's about time this subject was brought out on mainstream television! For many years, I have pursued information about UFOs and have read many books (even edited a couple of them) on the subject. I have attended several UFO conferences over the years and have met people who are credible and intelligent -- and obviously sincere in their understanding/experience that we are being visited by extraterrestrial intelligence that is far more advanced in technology than we are. The people who report this information are from all walks of life--high-echelon military, politicians, investigative journalists, police, highly credentialed university professors, pilots (military and civilian), and even astronauts. I've met many of these witnesses and spoken with them personally at various conferences. In addition, I have seen UFOs three times myself, starting back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, which is what piqued my curiosity and interest in the first place.

If you are at all curious, you may want to look in on these videos of Larry's recent programs for yourself. As part of the fairness of presenting both sides, he gives a voice to naysayers in the form of self-proclaimed "skeptical" scientists such as Bill Nye and Seth Shostek. It is obvious their minds are closed, even though they call themselves scientists. Their refutations are feeble and made without any investigation on their part. I don't think too many people would be impressed with their lack of true scientific curiosity and their refusal to pursue an investigation of their own on this subject about which they know so little. You can almost see them plugging their ears and singing "la la la la" to keep from hearing when presented with first-hand testimony from credentialed people, including prominent, highly regarded scientists.

I am presently reading a good book about Arthur Ford, one of the great psychics of the 20th century. In it, the author, Jerome Ellison, tells of "scientists" he met in his life who were unable to accept that psychic abilities are real and greatly developed in some people--even when the evidence is overwhelming. When Ford demonstrated over and over again that he was receiving messages from people who had passed from this life, yet were still "living" and able to communicate, many so-called "scientists" denied all the valid evidence, without even bothering to investigate further. Following is what the author had to say about such scientists, and I think it applies today to those debunking "experts" who present themselves on shows like Larry King's and seemingly pride themselves on remaining skeptical in the face of all kinds of factual evidence that is obvious to almost everyone else, but is contrary to their rigid, unyielding belief system:

"The best scientists are seen who look carefully at evidence that comes to them--that is what makes them the best. As a class, however, scientists are most disappointing. They tend to be narrow, specialty-bound, overprideful of their limited set spiel, and contemptuous of anything outside their range. This kind of mind has arrived at dogma, and dogma finds no need for evidence. These minds, rather than the great ones, set the general tone of the science of our day, and I have found it exasperating. ...What will be the next step of man in his long quest of comprehension of the universe he is part of? Might it not be a return of a kind of openminded inquiry that could distinguish between dead dogma and living truth? Might it not reclaim those bits of truth from the long past that mankind so desperately needs in its survival crisis? Then might it not add to these treasures whatever bits of truth we may be able to find in our own time? ...Cleve Backster, by demonstrating with the polygraph that plants react seemingly emotionally to events of their environment--particularly to human intentions--has shown that we live in a living and sensitive environment, not an inert and dead one. He has also shown that the force which communicates emotional intent--still unmeasured and still unidentified by science--easily penetrates any known physical obstacle, including walls of lead and concrete. Thus, belatedly and reluctantly, science has come to admit the existence of subtle and unknown forces. Could this possibly be the beginning of wisdom? Electricity was once such an unknown force; its essential nature is still unknown. Its behavior, however, has been so carefully observed and charted that man can cooperate with it and utilize it for his own purposes. Should not all the subtle and unknown forces at work among us be the legitimate subjects of careful, methodical, scientific inquiry?"

It seems to me the appearance of UFOs in our skies, giving strong evidence that more advanced lifeforms are visiting our planet, is of utmost interest and importance in the grand scheme of things! Governments in England, France, Russia, Belgium, and countries in South America have revealed to their citizens that UFOs are real. US government documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show, without a doubt, that UFOs are real. Yet, our government's leaders are trying to keep this revelatory information a secret. Those who, without investigation, scoff and laugh at the the sincere, credible witnesses and the mounting evidence are deluding themselves, perhaps out of fear of ridicule. With more and more people willing to keep an open mind and listen to the true facts being brought forth by witnesses, soon the government's continuous attempts to hide truth will be futile -- and a new day will dawn on our planet. Perhaps Obama will open the doors to truth when he becomes president. We can only hope!

Fortunately, throughout the centuries, scientists and men who value curiosity have kept open minds and have spoken truth when all around them the scientists of their time were closing their minds. Among them are the following:

New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.
--John Locke, 1690, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

There is a principle which is proof against all information, which is proof against all arguments, which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance; that principle is contempt, prior to investigation.

--Herbert Spencer (British social Philosopher, 1820-1903)

I was raised in a tradition of inquiry. If you encounter something that doesn't fit your world view, it's more intellectually honest to say, 'maybe there's something wrong with this world view,' than to try to shoehorn your findings into an existing belief.
--John Mack (world-renowned Harvard professor of psychiatry. For more about him, go to:

Keep an open mind. Anyone who has been so conditioned to believe they have all the answers, all the truth, automatically shuts out an untold number of insights, opportunities and revelations that would normally flow into their thinking. As Gandhi said, "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom."
--Louis LaGrand in "Love Lives On"

Few are those who can see with their own eyes and hear with their own hearts. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
--Albert Einstein


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