Who does this government think they're kidding? They're talking publicly now about shooting particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays back -- what in heck are the chemtrails, if not that? This was proposed back in 1997 at a climate symposium in Sicily -- by Dr. Edward Teller. I believe the governments in all western countries started spraying our skies later that same year and are continuing to this day to spread barium and aluminum particles in the upper atmosphere through trails laid down by high-flying military jets. Chemtrails are an almost daily affair in our skies here in central California. But no one in the government will talk about it or admit anything. Yet our "lying eyes" continue to tell us something is being sprayed in our skies -- something that turns blue skies into murky gray sludge-like "cloud" cover. And the rate of asthma in children and coughing/allergies in adults and seniors continues to grow at an alarming rate. Coincidenza???
I was just talking with a friend about this very subject today, wondering how much Obama has been told about the secret projects of the government. Does he know about chemtrails? Does he know about UFOs? I guess this announcement tells us he does know about chemtrails. I believe they are preparing us to accept chemtrails -- when they finally admit they are doing them. Of course, they will say it is a "new thing" -- and those of us who protest and ask too many questions will be told our eyes these past ten years have been deceiving us.
Just look up at the skies above you -- very often you will see criss-crossing trails that spread out to cover the entire sky. These are NOT normal contrails!!! Go into google and type in "chemtrails" and see the sites that are brought up, with photos galore!!!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
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» Obama looks at ways to cool Earth -- shooting particles in the upper atmosphere?
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