I'm sure we all remember how the Republicans demanded that Bush and Cheney be proclaimed the winners in the 2000 presidential election, even though there were many, many questions about the legality of the Florida votes and despite the fact that Gore had over 500,000 more popular votes than Bush. They stormed the gates in Florida, in acts of enraged coercion, shouting for Gore to give up his attempt to determine legalities of the votes there.
Isn't it interesting how their story changes in the present and they now fight like pit bulls over a legally conducted election that it is obvious was won by the Democrat? Their greed and power plays have laid low the Republican Party. I have doubts that it will ever recover. Just look at the insane scramble of candidates who want to grab the leadership of their ragtag political party that is lying in ruins after eight years of the Bush/Cheney debacle: Sarah Palin, Michael Steele, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Jindal -- and, oh yes, we can't forget Joe the Plumber(!). What an array of stupidity, arrogance and ignorance. As for the totally misnamed neocon "compassionate conservatism," let us all hope and pray it has breathed its last, due to its incredible cruelty and meanness of spirit.
By John Amato
The question now is when will Gov. Pawlenty issue the certification?
Al Franken really did win the election for U.S. Senate in Minnesota last November. That’s the decision of the three judges who heard former Sen. Norm Coleman’s lawsuit challenging Franken’s recount victory.
“Franken is entitled to receive the certificate of election,” states the order signed by Judges Denise Reilly, Elizabeth Hayden and Kurt Marben.
The overwhelming weight of the evidence indicates that the November 4, 2008 election was conducted fairly, impartially, and accurately. … After seven weeks of trial, the factual record is devoid of any allegations of fraud, tampering, or security breaches on Election Day, during the recount process, or during the election contest.
Even if Coleman takes it to the Supreme Court, Al Franken should be sworn in. We know Gov. Pawlenty will wait until the State Supreme Court rules. Nate Silver has a long analysis on Coleman's chances. It's just another bad day for Bill O'Reilly.
I'm no fan of DNC Chairman Tim Kaine, but he released the Following Statement via presser:
Despite losing ground in the vote count, and credibility after increasingly questionable and inconsistent legal challenges, Coleman and his attorneys have vowed to appeal the decision to the Minnesota State Supreme Court and if unsuccessful there possibly the U.S. Supreme Court. Leading Republicans in Washington, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Republican Campaign Chairman John Cornyn, are supporting Coleman’s appeals as a way to obstruct Franken from being seated to a Senate seat he has rightfully won to prevent Democrats from claiming their 59th seat in the 100 member body.
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