Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Can he get any worse? Don't ask!

Energy Crisis: President Bush laughs as the nation chokes

In this short, two-minute clip from his press conference today on the sad state of the American economy, President Bush managed to embarrass himself (and thus the country) on at least three occasions. First he smirks and gives a smart ass answer when asked about $5 gasoline — not very funny considering he “hadn’t heard” of $4 gas back in February. Second, he repeats the McCain campaign talking point “gaffe” about our economic woes being merely “psychological.” Then, finally, he tops if off with what he calls his “brilliant statement” about “magic wands.”

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I think it was in the Rose Garden where I issued this brilliant statement: If I had a magic wand — but the President doesn’t have a magic wand. You just can’t say, low gas. It took us a while to get here and we need to have a good strategy to get out of it.

Can this guy seriously be any more out of touch? Watching him chuckle his way through questions about how badly he has destroyed our economy as millions of Americans are losing their homes and being forced to change the way they live tells you all you need to know.

Full transcript below the fold:

(Read the rest of this story…)

Crooks and Liars


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