Monday, July 21, 2008

UFOs Caused Missile Failures -- Military Witnesses Tell All

Take a look at this video from last week's Larry King show:

This information should be of interest to all Americans -- and to all earth inhabitants. It's possible that Larry's recent several programs on the subject of UFOs is actually a toe-in-the-water attempt by our government to determine how shocked the population will be when the truth is finally and officially admitted by the government. I predict there will not be much shock at all -- most thinking people are aware that UFOs exist and that they suggest we are being visited by life forms from other areas of the universe (or other dimensions, as some physicists have suggested). These life forms are apparently more advanced than we are, as indicated by their ability to get here and survey us as they appear to be doing. As you watch the short video of this excerpt from Larry King's show, I think you will see how credible these military men are in telling their own experiences. Remember, too, that among their number of experiencers and "believers" are U.S. astronauts who have had their own sightings. The days of ridiculing those who report sightings is coming to an end. It is time for truth about UFOs to be revealed, and that project seems to be going forth with Larry King taking the lead for the mainstream media.

Of course, the real reason the government has not wanted to tell the truth for all these many years is that they feared they would lose control and power over the public. The realization will sink in, of course--when all people are finally convinced "flying saucers" are actually real--that our governments and military are not able to protect us from them, should the UFOs be manned by civilizations that wish to harm us. So far, all the visitors have not indicated this. They seem to be monitoring us and are probably seeing us as a barbaric-type of civilization, not yet advanced enough to be allowed into space beyond our own planetary system. What would you think about us, if you were looking in at us from an advanced position of having gone beyond warfare as a way to settle disagreements? We probably look like nursery school kids who have discovered sticks of dynamite and are playing with matches and lighting the sticks. And now we want to take all of this into space exploration. I think any advanced civilization would be interested in keeping us quarantined on our own planet until we matured--don't you? Their strong surveillance of us seems to have coincided with our creation of the atomic bomb. That's interesting, isn't it? And the military men on this video are telling how our missiles can be (and have been) disarmed by light beams from UFOs.

One other consideration that has kept our government from letting us know officially that "they're here" is that our earthly religions are going to have to expand their horizons. Through a Vatican spokesperson, Msg. Corrado Balducci, the Catholic Church already seems to have accepted the fact of UFOs and it appears the church is trying to incorporate this information into their own belief system. See:

It may be more difficult for fundamentalist religions to accept that there are other life forms that may not be Jesus-oriented or Mohammed-oriented or what-have-you --and that other civilizations are far more advanced in so many ways than we earthlings are. Mind expansion will be called for, and perhaps a complete change of direction insofar as our limited belief systems are concerned. Perhaps it is time for our planetary inhabitants to grow beyond ideas of warfare and violence and begin to consider other ways of handling our differences. Maybe the UFOs are harbingers sent to show us we can change and learn -- and eventually enter into a time of true peace on Earth.

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