This is an informative article for anyone facing choices on how to treat cancer. Although I don't completely agree with all of it, I think 95% of it could be very helpful. I think it is wise for people to try alternative natural treatments in most cases, before subjecting their bodies to caustic chemicals that often end up killing the patient long before the cancer would have. I especially agree with the author in his treatment suggestions, although the words "easily cured" and "virtually anyone can reverse colon cancer" may be carrying it a bit too far. I believe it would certainly depend on how far the cancer had advanced and how determined a patient was to turn it around. Genetic codes also enter into the picture, and I would never want to infer that someone had caused their own cancer or any illness that might befall them. We have all heard of natural food and vitamin enthusiasts who have contracted serious illnesses, in spite of their dedication to natural health practices. However, I do think most patients' chances of survival would improve with the dietary recommendations he makes. Of course, no one knows all the answers, but natural treatments make far more sense to me than toxic treatments that lower the immune system instead of building it up. But each patient, of course, should always be free to make his or her own decisions on health care.
I do believe the cases of iatrogenic-caused illness and death (doctor/treatment-caused) are rising dramatically, as more and more toxic medicines are introduced by Big Pharma. Each person's body is different--we each carry different genetic codes -- and the AMA and Big Pharma are all too willing to dose everyone in the same way, without considering those differences (of which they are truly unaware). Much more education is needed in the health area, with a great deal more attention being paid to preventive practices. Our health care system is broken down, in so many ways. It seems to me it would be better for us all to educate ourselves much more--and take responsibility for our own health, rather than always depending on doctors to cure us. The more we learn, the more informed decisions we can make for ourselves and our families. This would also be very helpful to doctors, most of whose offices are already overloaded with patients and who are barely able to spend more than 10 or 15 minutes with each patient.
Colon cancer is easily cured with plant-based medicines
Sadly, Mr. Snow was apparently unaware that colon cancer is rather easily cured with plant-based medicines. By avoiding toxic chemicals, animal products and dangerous prescription medications while switching to a nutrient-dense diet of raw, living green juices from fresh vegetables, virtually anyone can reverse colon cancer (unless, of course, they've already gone through chemotherapy, which causes permanent damage to their immune system).Fresh vegetable juices are absolutely loaded with anti-cancer phytonutrients: Broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, celery and even citrus fruits and berries have such powerful anti-cancer properties that Big Pharma's highly toxic chemicals, by comparison, don't even compare ( Had Tony Snow adopted a raw, vegan diet and engaged in high-volume vegetable juicing immediately upon learning of his colon cancer diagnosis, I have no doubt he would still be alive today.
At the very least, his chances of survival would have dramatically improved. And if he had combined those dietary changes with high-dose vitamin D intake ((, and the consumption of powerful anti-cancer herbs like Reishi mushroom (( or Cat's Claw (, his chance of a complete recovery could have been very high, indeed.
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