Saturday, July 26, 2008

Death in a bottle

I just received the following video link from Brasscheck TV. This is a hard video to watch, especially if you have known someone who was on drugs like this and took their own life -- or someone who tried to go off the drugs and experienced all kinds of anxiety and depression attacks and other severe side effects. But it is information that should be available to everyone. As the video says, doctors often don't know what the results will be of drugs they prescribe. Every person's body chemistry is different, but Big Pharma, in their greed to make more and more money, don't take that into account as they spin out drug after drug into the public arena--without any concern for the consequences of these toxic mixes. It's imperative that the patients themselves check out the side effects of any drug they have been prescribed -- before they take it. Acquiring information of this kind is a way of protecting ourselves -- and taking responsibility for our own health.
Eileen:  I call this one "Death in a bottle."  It's about the extreme dangers of  so-called anti-depressant drugs.   Normal depression has many side effects.  Out-of-control violence is not one of them. Or at least it wasn't until the pharmaceutical industry got into the picture.       

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