McCain suggests his wife Cindy could be Miss Buffalo Chips -- in a topless and sometimes bottomless contest. See videos:
And, if that isn't ridiculous enough, how about the new Paris Hilton ad? (engendered by McCain's ad against Obama, using Paris and Britney Spears as "celebrities" to compare Obama to).
This is what we have sunk to in this latest presidential selection. Thanks, McCain! Instead of talking about the issues, with the economy falling apart, jobs gone, Iraq war still ongoing, Afghanistan war heating up, and the planet in dire straits in so many ways, we're hearing about Miss Buffalo Chips. Good GOD! This is what we can expect more of if the Republicans retain the White House, not to speak of the revelations being brought out in Ron Suskind's new book about how Bush/Cheney actually forged documents to create justification for their war against Iraq. We have gone way beyond the impeachment of Nixon, whose offenses were a small thing compared to what Bush/Cheney have done! No one died as a result of Nixon's lies and chicanery. Bush/Cheney are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR OUR CONGRESS TO GET OFF ITS DUFF AND REMOVE THESE EVIL MEN FROM OFFICE????
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