Wednesday, March 19, 2008

McCain Missteps on Iraq; Lieberman has to correct him

McCain is the man who tells us he is "experienced" in foreign affairs. Sounds as if he is getting his tutoring from Bush who understands nothing about anything. I still have to laugh at how Bush had to be saved by Condi Rice when he said to the president of Brazil on his visit to that country, "Oh, do you have blacks here, too?" Personally, I wouldn't trust a Republican at the helm of our government for another hundred years or more! (Preferably MORE!)

McCain Missteps on Iraq; Democrats Pounce

EXCERPT: McCain has based his campaign in large part on his assertion that he is the candidate best prepared to deal with Iraq, [but he had to be corrected by Lieberman] on his misstatement. [That brings questions about] his knowledge and judgment.

“After eight years of the Bush administration’s incompetence in Iraq, McCain’s comments don’t give the American people a reason to believe that he can be trusted to offer a clear way forward,” Karen Finney, a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, said in a statement. “Not only is Senator McCain wrong on Iraq once again, but he showed he either doesn’t understand the challenges facing Iraq and the region or is willing to ignore the facts on the ground.”