Friday, March 14, 2008

Does the Constitution Mean Anything Anymore? NO.

I am in full agreement with this author. It is not surprising that the Republicans sat on their hands while the Constitution was being shredded. They voted for and continue to support the Idiot who is at the head of their party (and, sadly, our nation). But that the Democrats stood idly by and allowed this travesty to occur is beyond comprehension. Reid, Pelosi, and others of their ilk should be run out of office. TODAY.

Does the Constitution Mean Anything Anymore?
by Bill Hare March 13, 2008 - 6:46pm

Does the U.S. Constitution hold any meaning at all in today’s Bush-Cheney neoconservative Washington?

The answer that the politically alert are well aware of is that the answer is a loud and highly resounding “No”!

Why does the Constitution hold no current meaning? That answer is simple to those who have been paying attention. The Constitution holds no meaning because it has been replaced by Washington’s speedy new way of doing business.

For those who have not been paying attention the Constitution has been scrapped for executive decrees, so many of which are imposed by George W. Bush signing statements. Who cares what the letter and the spirit of legislation involves.

In the true spirit of “the King can do no wrong” all that is necessary is to provide a signing statement in determining what the neoconservative realm seeks to accomplish.

It was the right that used to accuse the left of moving too fast when it came to engineering government. Now things are super swift and decisive.

Take the case of Admiral William J. Fallon. Offer one piece of advice that runs against the neoconservative grain and, as they said in so many of those westerns Hollywood used to crank out, “You will be out of town by sundown!”

One of the few pieces of good news I have read recently is that the Deerfield Beach Democratic Club delivered an award this week to someone who has taken the Constitution to heart, Congressman Robert Wexler of Florida, a beacon of light in the Sunshine State amid Darth Vader-like creatures of darkness such as Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris.

Last night Newt Gingrich declared that he would love to see Jeb as John McCain’s running mate, calling him “one of the nicest and sincerest” people he knew. Naturally such a profound declaration was made on Fox News. Where else?

So we have super philanderer Newt, who sought to remove Bill Clinton from office for philandering while married, which Newt later admitted he was doing himself at the time.

So ethically conscious Newt salutes Jeb, known for cheating thousands of African American citizens of Florida, the state he governed at the time, out of voting for president in 2000.

The fact that Jeb’s wayward brother, the former heavy drinker who suddenly found religion, was running on a party label that Afro American voters did not fancy might have had something to do with Jeb along with Florida’s Secretary of State Katherine Harris engaging in this shameful act of vote deprivation.

Could they have been politically motivated? These church-going civil servants?

Congressman Wexler was saluted by the Deerfield Beach Democratic Club with a Backbone Award.

Yes, they used the word “Backbone” and in this rare instance it actually applied to a Democratic Member of Congress who believes in following the Constitution. Wexler is one of a rare handful to challenge the Bush-Cheney Criminal Enterprise in open hearings. Tune in on his website and you can see and hear him fight to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

Robert Wexler does not believe in letting stand without resistance a neoconservative dictatorship ruled by a military industrial complex that dictates to a glassy-eyed, severely retarded chief executive in name who, while over a million died in Iraq due to an invasion launched on a tissue of lies, tap dances and jokes, singing about his pardoning of Scooter Libby and “weapons of mass destruction.”

Reed, Pelosi and the rest of you, and you know who you are. The pathetic moron in the White House has every reason to laugh at the rest of you. He laughs because you have shirked the duty that Wexler and Dennis Kucinich honored, that of defending the Constitution by bringing charges against those who have shattered that document so that it no longer exists except as a sad memory of what used to be.

Jefferson and Madison would be proud of you, Reed and Pelosi, wouldn’t they? How proud they would be that you sat by and watched, doing nothing, while every semblance of representative government and the Constitution on which is was founded were summarily destroyed.

The toll is over a million dead in Iraq while the slaphappy joker in chief tap dances in the same oblivious manner that Hitler once did after he conquered France.

The British Labour Party had the collective backbone to throw one of their own, Tony Blair, out of the prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street after taking a long enough look at the wretched Downing Street Memos.

What about the Democratic Party in Washington? Ask Reid, Pelosi and their allies, who stood silently by while the Constitution was destroyed.


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