Do you remember the repulsive 2000 campaign blitz against McCain by Rove/Bush in the South Carolina primary? Rove thought it would be grand fun to worry the South Carolinians that McCain was the daddy of a black child. (McCain and Cindy had adopted an orphan from Bangladesh.) Oooo, man!...the thought of McCain being the daddy of a black baby really riled up all those self-proclaimed "Christians" down there! They went right to the polls and voted for Bush, because he is a good "Christian" man...and his daughters are pearly white. And he's just the kind of guy you love to have a beer with down at the corner bar, which makes him perfect material for being President. Rove also put rumors out and about in that state that McCain was not in his right mind -- and guess what? The "Christians" bought that one, too! No wonder Rove now thinks he can get away with anything.... so far, he has! And he's not the type to get all teary-eyed and guilt-ridden on his deathbed, like Lee Atwater did. See 3 minute video at: No, Rove will just keep on lying and tyrannizing others--and getting great joy from it--until he passes through the Pearly Gates (or whatever is their equivalent down below).
Don't you just love that McCain, who hated Rove and Bush for doing the terrible dirty tricks to him, now is cozy with both of them and has Rove working on his campaign, putting together more flagrant lies against Obama, similar to the ones Rove dreamed up about McCain in 2000? The black irony of it all makes me.....GAG!
It saddens me greatly that there are so many racists in this country...who will never, ever vote for a black man, or even a white man with a black adopted child -- or even a black and white man like Obama. Low consciousness prevails in many areas of the U.S. I will not live to see an overall change to a higher consciousness in our countrymen, but I hope my grandkids do. They are being raised by their parents to look beyond outer differences to see the soul inside.
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