She's someone most have never heard of -- the Governor of Alaska. But she's a woman. It's obvious the desperate McCain is trying to attract the Hillary lovers. Lots of luck on that one, McCain. Hillary lovers within the Democratic party are smart enough to see that four more years of Bush policies will go along with the woman on your ticket. So I think most of them will say, Nice try, but no thanks. We've had ENOUGH! Furthermore, white men of the conservative Republican persuasion are not going to be at all happy with the pick of a woman to be in the No. 2 slot with a president who is elderly and has a history of melanoma cancer -- and might die while in the White House. The male Christian fundamentalists of that party still like to keep their women barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. They're not going to be thrilled with the pick of a Hillary wanna-be who could step into the Oval Office and--God forbid!--tell them what to do. ;-)
So, lotsa' luck to McCain and Company on this one. It will be fascinating to see how they fit Bush and Cheney into their convention agenda. (~.~) And isn't it interesting how a major hurricane is heading to the U.S. during the time of their convention, after Republicans were being urged by a fundamentalist Republican minister to pray for rain to wipe out Obama's big night at the Dem convention? Why, it's almost like an answer from God to their prayers -- only not quite in the way they expected. =-O That said, I do hope the hurricane veers away from the U.S. -- one thing we don't need is another Katrina disaster on top of all the other disasters Bush/Cheney have wrought upon us for the last 8 years!
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