John McCain’s Greatest Campaign Hits
From time to time, I receive anti-Obama e-mails from McCain/Bush/Cheney supporters. Among many other outrageous accusations, they try to tell me that Obama is unable to speak without a teleprompter and will be done in by McCain in the debates. I consider this to be laughable (~.~), and I submit the following (from the Crooks & Liars site) as my response to them:
TPM put together this hilarious montage of John McCain’s blunders and awkward moments from the 2008 campaign trail. Do we really need four more years of this? (Haven't eight years of a dunderhead in the White House been enough?)
Can you spot any they may have missed? I can think of two: First, his creepy smirk after proclaiming at one of the GOP debates that he would follow bin Laden to the gates of hell (but presumably not into Pakistan. Go figure.); Second, his uncomfortable deer-in-the-headlights moment when he was asked about his contradictory Viagra position. Feel free to add your own via the comments.
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