Monday, August 04, 2008

Helen Thomas, my favorite journalist

Unlike all the other so-called "journalists," she is not afraid to ask the right questions. I wish we could clone her and tell the rest of the cowardly press corps to just go home.

by Steve Young

The single word that strikes the most fear in the heart of George Bush's press secretaries, especially when it emanates directly from their own mouths:


Because the next voice he'll hear is Helen's -- as in, Helen Thomas. And today the queen/dean of the Washington Press corp; the one person more than any other who has kept the spinning White House occupants and their surrogates' feet to the fire, turns a thoughtful and feisty 88 years.

You have to give Bush White House press secretaries a bit of credit for some nerve. Their boss doesn't seem to have any, because he won't dare call on Helen.

While it took most every member of the White House press corp, years of unquestioned submission to the lies supporting going into an illegal war before they began to rediscover their spine, it was Helen Thomas, one who never lost touch with hers, leading the way; even if, every so often, this president and his spokespeople forget to call on her.

"9/11 has made reporters fearful of being called unpatriotic if they asked tough questions," Thomas had told me. "Then, when we were in the war, if you asked tough questions you would be accused of jeopardizing the troops. At the same time you had some of the corporate (owners) breathing down their necks to not rock the boat."

Thomas has no question that we went to war without good reason. "It's clear that nothing was proved and you just don't send people to die without (absolutes). It's very clear this president wanted to go to war."

Thomas has never held back asking a question, but this White House has frozen her out like none other. Since Bush doesn't seem to want to go to battle with Helen, j'ever wonder what she might ask if she had the chance?

"I would ask him how he could go to war without cause," she says, obviously at the ready with the question. "How could you go to war without provocation? Of course, that's why he doesn't call on me."

And after the president evaded the question, what would be her followup?

"How could you? Don't you know what war is?" Nailed, Thomas style.

"The press is the last line of defense. If we don't ask the questions, this president could rule like a dictator. All presidents should be sassed. Who are they? We don't have to worship at their shrine. They're public officials. We pay them. They have to answer to us."

And so, thank you, Helen. Thank you for being there for the American people.

Ah, that we could have Helen Thomas around until White Houses stop spinning the truth.

That way, we'd have her forever.
