Here is an Excellent video that the powers-that-be don't want us to see.... Many won't want to believe this information. The government does its job well in putting out cover stories that the majority of the public are only too ready to swallow without investigation and without any curiosity towards finding the truth. Sad, but that's the way it is in this world of ours in the 21st century. This video has been removed from the internet many times and may not be viewable for long, so if you want to see it, you should click on it now. It is less than 10 minutes long...
I could easily believe that the "witness" who speaks to the reporters was a plant by the government. He is not at all shocked or dazed in any way -- just chock full of information that he spiels off as though it had been memorized and was his part to play. And the "expert" who speaks with Dan Rather spiels off his information in the same way -- well rehearsed, already written to be fed to the public, even though it is only 33 minutes after the planes hit the buildings.
There is so much we will never know. This government, owned and run by the corporations and wealthy families who run our country and the world, will keep its secrets. Just as the UFO secrets have been kept for so many years, and the truth about the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations -- they will keep these secrets, too. And anyone who tries to get to the truth will be ridiculed, humiliated, and--if they persist too long--gotten rid of. I am disheartened that we the people have no control whatsoever--not even in the voting process. The corporations own the machines that supposedly "count" our votes -- and will manipulate those machines to the outcome they want. I have very little hope that Obama will be elected. McCain is the choice of the corporations that have gained so much under the Cheney/Bush administration. They are not about to let a "liberal" guy in the White House with ideas about balancing the national budget by paring down their tax breaks and other goodies granted them by the Republicans. And wars are good for the corporations -- we can't have someone in there who is going to want to try diplomacy instead of "SHOCK AND AWE" attack.
I believe McCain will be the "winner" no matter how many of us cast our votes for Obama. There will be no way for us to prove the count was wrong, because--guess what?--we don't have control over the machines. THEY do -- and we have to take their word for the vote count. That was proven to us in the past two selections, in which Gore and Kerry were the true winners. In what should be a sweeping year for the Democrats after the eight intolerable years of Bush and Cheney, you would think we'd be heading for a landslide victory for sure in this (s)election. But you'd be wrong. If you read your corporate-owned newspapers and listen to your corporate-owned TV channels and radio stations, you will hear time and again how McCain and Obama are running neck-and-neck. Those corporate owned journalists are reporting that news to you now, just as they will be reporting to you the victory of McCain over Obama in November.
And you thought you lived in a democracy? Perish that thought for once and all.
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