Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why I'm Posting Bail for Julian Assange: Michael Moore

I am in full agreement with Michael Moore!  Investigative journalism has disappeared from our world since militarism/capitalism run amok has taken rulership over us all. The military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about when he was leaving office is now in full command, making decisions that are leading us down a very dark road.  Thank god for Julian Assange, who is exposing the lies of the beast that has taken us all captive--and inflicted intolerable misery and pain on the people of the planet.  The damage that has been done over many years under strictest secrecy cannot be undone, but perhaps Wikileaks can alert the people to the dangers we face from those who rule us, as it continues to reveal the lies and subterfuge that have been used by the elite "leaders" to keep the rest of us in subjugation with perpetual war.  It is time for the sheep to wake up and see the wolf in our midst!  To see Eisenhower's warning about this many years ago, go to:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY   Finally, someone -- Julian Assange (a true hero) -- is taking up the baton from Eisenhower's hand and running with it.  Read Michael Moore's report at:



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