Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Irish Catholic priests and nuns abused children in their institutions

An excellent movie was made about this kind of abuse years ago called The Magdalene Sisters.  It is horrific to think of how the Catholic Church kept its trusting members under so much control for centuries -- telling them they would go to hell if they even ate meat on a Friday, and their babies would go to Limbo if they weren't baptized from "original sin."  And, all the while, abuse like this was going on within its "hallowed" walls.  Another documentary that should be a must-see for everyone is: Deliver Us From Evil. You can rent it and The Magdalene Sisters from Netflix. Information does provide freedom.

It is interesting to contemplate how people are kept captive within various institutions, political and religious, and are ruled by FEAR.  The powerful elite of all big institutions have mastered the way to control the naive masses.  Make them fearful and paranoid, and they will do the bidding of the masters. Think about it: Corporations do rule the world -- and they are not only in the business world. They permeate our entire earthly tribal culture.  Some of the worst abusers of people are the ones who proclaim themselves to be the holy protectors of the naive and innocent. It is in their best interest to keep people ignorant and afraid--and to make them believe they have to trust the leaders who then say, "Don't worry. We will protect you. We will save you."  Dick Cheney is a perfect example of this kind of leader. Take a good look at him and listen to his words. He rules by instilling fear and dread in the population.  He himself is ruled by fear: fear that he will lose his power, his money, and his "legacy."  He was afraid to serve in the Vietnam War, yet has no compunction about sending other people's children into the present war he created out of lies.  He is still out there on the circuit, even though he is no longer in Washington, trying desperately to save his name and legacy by telling yet more lies.

Look carefully and follow this thread through politics, religion, big business, the pharmaceutical industry, the A.M.A., the military, the N.R.A., etc., etc.  Scare tactics are their herding tools -- keeping the people frightened is their business because it leads to BIG profits!!! Very few people break free of these controlling entities and see through their tactics. Yet, it is essential that we do so, in order to bring a new kind of energy to our planet--one that will end wars and lead to true peace and brotherhood. Dennis Kucinich is about the only politician I know who has seen this clearly and who speaks out about it.  The rest of them go along to keep the power and the money flowing to them.  That's the way the world is structured now. But if the people wake up and decide to change it, it can be changed.  A shift in consciousness is necessary, and perhaps the children who are being born onto this planet now will provide that shift. As more crimes are revealed and the old rigid thinkers and naysayers die out, perhaps a new and brighter energy will take their place, and Earth will see a new day. I certainly hope so!

Children in Irish Catholic-run institutions suffered horrific abuse: report

  • May 21, 2009 - 12:52PM

Thousands of children living in Catholic-run institutions in Ireland were subjected to decades of horrific abuse while authorities stood by and did nothing, a damning report has revealed.

The long-awaited report, released in Dublin on Wednesday, outlined the terror of rampant sexual abuse, rapes and beatings inflicted on thousands of children over a 60-year period by priests, nuns and lay staff.

It said that, while complaints were made, government and church officials did nothing to stop the abuse, choosing instead to punish children who complained or transfer pedophiles and other perpetrators to new institutions.

The findings were based on a nine-year inquiry by the Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse which heard evidence from 2500 men and women who used to live at Catholic reform schools, workhouses, orphanages and other children's homes.

Some victims said that, while the 2500-page report vindicates their claims about the widespread abuse they suffered, they were disappointed at the report's failure to name perpetrators or recommended any charges.  (Reminds one of the Obama administration giving a "slide-by" to Cheney and Bush and their evil neocon cohorts who dismantled our Constitution, removed our rights, and authorized torture. Oh no, let's not hold anyone in the hierarchy responsible for these crimes against humanity. Let's just "look forward" and pay no attention to what happened in the past. Because of this attitude of those in power, the same kinds of abuse will continue in the future. There are no consequences to the actions of the "elite" who perpetrate the crimes -- so they will continue to occur. Sadly, this is the way it is on planet Earth at the present time. Power and greed rule, and the little people suffer.)

"It didn't go far enough, it didn't give us justice," spokesman John Kelly, who spent two years in care, told reporters.

"We need to see those who committed the abuse, who are alive, prosecuted.

"This inquiry is deeply flawed, it's incomplete and many might call it a whitewash."

Several of the 100 institutions investigated by the commission were run by the Sisters of Mercy and Christian Brothers.

Many abuse victims fled Ireland as soon as they were old enough to start a new life in Britain, Australia and the United States.

One of the report's shocking findings was that sexual abuse was "endemic in boys' institutions", where children were subjected to improper touching, fondling and violent rapes.

"The management did not listen or believe children when they complained ... At best, the abusers were moved, but nothing was done about the harm done to the child.

"At worst, the child was blamed and seen as corrupted by the sexual activity, and was punished severely."

Girls were also preyed on by male employees and visitors, but they were more likely to suffer "pervasive, severe, arbitrary and unpredictable" corporal punishment.

The report said the Department of Education knew "violence and beatings were endemic" within the institutions.

"Children lived with the daily terror of not knowing where the next beating was coming from," it said, adding they were regularly belittled, ridiculed, criticised and humiliated.

Girls and boys also endured poor standards of care, often going hungry while wearing threadbare or wet clothes.

The report made 21 recommendations for the Irish government, including building a permanent memorial to victims as well as providing them with counselling and improving Ireland's child protection services.

The head of the Catholic church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, said he was "profoundly sorry and deeply ashamed that children suffered in such awful ways in these institutions".

Christian Brothers spokesman the Reverend Edmund Garvey said the religious congregation was "deeply sorry" for the hurt caused to so many children.

"In advance, the Christian Brothers apologize openly and unreservedly to all those who have been hurt either directly or indirectly as a result of the deplorable actions of some Brothers, or by the inaction or inappropriate action of the congregation as a whole," he said.

The Sisters of Mercy also apologized, saying: "We accept that many who spent their childhoods in our orphanages or industrial schools were hurt and damaged while in our care."
