Saturday, May 16, 2009

Obama can't turn the page on Bush -- YET

He'd better soon call an investigative commission to look into all the crimes of the evil Cheney/puppet Bush administration.  Too much information is coming out -- and it can't all be swept under the carpet, no matter how hard Obama tries. Read the VERY interesting column by Frank Rich that will appear in tomorrow's NY TIMES (link below).  You'll see how Rumsfeld presented war reports to Bush with BIBLE verses attached. Not that Rumsfeld is so religious--no, but he knows Bush is and that was one way of manipulating Bush into thinking all was well while Cheney and Rumsfeld did whatever the hell they wanted.  Here's just one example:  the Worldwide Intelligence Update for April 3 bullied Bush with Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Including, as it happened, into a quagmire.)

There are many dots yet to be connected, and not just on torture. This Sunday, GQ magazine is posting on its Web site an article adding new details to the ample dossier on how Donald Rumsfeld’s corrupt and incompetent Defense Department cost American lives and compromised national security. The piece is not the work of a partisan but the Texan journalist Robert Draper, author of “Dead Certain,” the 2007 Bush biography that had the blessing (and cooperation) of the former president and his top brass. It draws on interviews with more than a dozen high-level Bush loyalists.

Draper reports that Rumsfeld’s monomaniacal determination to protect his Pentagon turf led him to hobble and antagonize America’s most willing allies in Iraq, Britain and Australia, and even to undermine his own soldiers.


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