Sean Hannity says waterboarding isn't torture, even after this. One wonders, then, why he doesn't fulfill his promise to undergo waterboarding himself? He said he'd do it for charity -- Keith Olbermann offered $1,000 for each second Hannity lasted under the "it's not torture" enhanced interrogation procedure (so-called). But Hannity refuses to honor his commitment. In the meantime, he continues to claim "it's not torture." How can anyone take seriously anything this guy says? What a poor excuse for a human being....
Here's the interview. Judge for yourself which one you believe: Hannity or Mancow? Note, also, that Olbermann followed through with his commitment to donate $1,000 per second -- for Mancow rather than Hannity. He gave $10,000 to Mancow's favorite charity...
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