Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Interesting Interview

Sean Hannity says waterboarding isn't torture, even after this. One wonders, then, why he doesn't fulfill his promise to undergo waterboarding himself? He said he'd do it for charity -- Keith Olbermann offered $1,000 for each second Hannity lasted under the "it's not torture" enhanced interrogation procedure (so-called). But Hannity refuses to honor his commitment. In the meantime, he continues to claim "it's not torture." How can anyone take seriously anything this guy says? What a poor excuse for a human being....

Here's the interview. Judge for yourself which one you believe: Hannity or Mancow? Note, also, that Olbermann followed through with his commitment to donate $1,000 per second -- for Mancow rather than Hannity. He gave $10,000 to Mancow's favorite charity...