Friday, December 31, 2010

Great video - 97 minutes online

This documentary (What In the World Are They Spraying?) is about chemtrails, which are being sprayed into our skies often (and lately in our northern California area almost daily) since the late 1990s. This is happening all over the western world, including Europe and Australia.  Though hundreds of thousands of people have seen them, asked about them, and noticed ill health effects occurring in themselves and their children during and after the spraying, governments in every country have remained mum on the subject. The mainstream media, for the most part, have either ridiculed the people who bring it up or have ignored the subject completely (even though the trails are there in the sky, for all to see). Remember that old Groucho Marx line -- Who do you believe? Me or your lying eyes?.  Well, here is a chance for you to decide, based on some genuine investigative reporting. This documentary is impressive in the research that went into the making of it.  There has been a great increase in cases of asthma in children and adults in the last 10-15 years. Many speculations have been made as to why this is happening.  Could the answer lie in chemtrails?  Watch the video and decide for yourself:

What in the World Are They Spraying?  You can see the entire documentary online.  Very informative.  If you find it worth sharing, please pass it on to your friends.


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