Saturday, June 14, 2008

Important for those who want the truth

This article reports the latest smear by the right wing against Obama and his wife: has a huge listing (getting longer by the day!) of the right-wing rants/lies against Obama. Get prepared for the onslaught of this type of stuff on the Internet. The Republican Smear Machine operates without conscience. It will unload all of its venom on Obama. I know this. You know this. And Barack Obama knows this. Instead of just enduring it without comment as Kerry did in the 2004 election, the Obama campaign has established a web page to combat the Swiftboating lies that will be created and spun against him by the right wing in this election. Those interested in truth can see it at: I would advise any McCain/Bush supporters to check this site or before they forward e-mail smears on Obama that have been sent to them.

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