Scott McClellan discovered he was in a cult and that it was misusing him for its own ends...isn't that what all cults do? Maureen Dowd tells it quite well in today's column:
Only one wrong-sounding note in McClellan's book--he still seems unwilling to detach himself completely from Bush, about whom he says, "I feel affection and admiration for him." I have seen this same kind of dissonance in others who have left cults that injured them and their fellow members. It may be a way of convincing yourself that your judgment wasn't too bad. When I was in a cult, my judgment was bad and I feel no admiration or affection for the cult leaders who led me and others down the wrong path. Their agenda, like Bush's, was a strictly selfish one, motivated by greed and lust for power. There is nothing to admire in that. Just my own opinion.
Monday, June 02, 2008
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» Cult of Deception -- a good description!
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