Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Scientists can't explain it: The universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate

See: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/03/science/03dark.html?_r=1&8dpc&oref=slogin

EXCERPT: “Before the discovery of the dark energy, quantum physicists tended to assume that the ‘vacuum’ we live in has some deep meaning that reflects nature’s deepest secrets,” Dr. Witten said. But if ours is only one of a zillion in a haystack, there is nothing special about it, no secret to be found.

I think there is a secret to be found -- but it can't be done with the mind. It's an "AHA!" discovery that comes like a lightning bolt, outside of the mind and any mental process. It's an individual experience that opens all the doors. The secret is closer to the brain scientist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's experience/discovery. See her being interviewed by Oprah in a video you can find at www.oprah.com.

For me, the site that explains this experience best is at www.thenaturalstate.org The "Pointers" on that site are exactly that: pointers, like a finger pointing to something that one can only discover for oneself. It's inexplicable by the mind, so you have to follow the pointers...kind of like a child's puzzle (~.~) or one of those Mystic Eye puzzles filled with colors but no discernible shapes--and you stare at it until something clicks and your eyes go into a different mode of seeing--and there is a 3-D picture!

The secret to the universe is found within oneself. What a miracle! And yet, so absolutely natural. Of course. (~.~)

Quantum physics and its searches for "dark energy" can take scientists only so far, because they are external searches--and never ending, because the mind keeps producing more and more questions...and more and more searches. Quantum physics has uncovered some pointers that direct the scientists to look within, but they keep shoving those pointers away; the mind always wants an external absolute answer. For instance, it blew their minds when the scientists discovered that they themselves were part of their own experiments--that when they put themselves in as observers in an experiment with electrons, the electrons acted differently! See the fascinating little cartoon video explaining this: http://www.videosift.com/video/Quantum-Physics-Double-Slit-Experiment-amazing-results
This raised the all-important question: What does the observer (us) have to do with it all? Is everything actually connected in such a way that we cannot observe and understand the mystery from an objective distance, but are actually part of a great whole?

Nothing can be as important or exciting as this journey of discovery--with the answer being found within. I highly recommend an inner search! (~.~) You never know WHAT you might discover! The above suggested links provide an amazing start.


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