How they did this has now been pieced together through Douglass's research/interviews -- and, as he takes you through the puzzle pieces, fitting them together, word by word and sentence by sentence, the terrible picture takes form before your eyes. The information it delivers to the reader is appalling, because it reveals in chilling detail how the fate of our world is hanging in the balance as a result of the evil manipulation and control this shadow government has over all of us. The madness of those who really rule over this country is complete. Their mission is to keep wars and mayhem continuing on this planet, in order to maintain power and profit for themselves. To achieve this, the assassination of presidents is nothing to them. The killing of 3,000 innocent people on 9/11 is nothing to them, nor the telling of huge lies to start a war that will result in the deaths of millions. They employ puppets to do their evil and then get rid of the puppets once they have accomplished their assigned purpose. These are monstrous men without hearts or conscience, capable of great depths of evil, and it is hard to believe they were born of human parents.
It does make you wonder where do the Allen Dulles's, the Dick Cheneys, the Henry Kissingers, the Hitlers, the Stalins--these men with ice water in their veins--come from, really? Do they high-five each other when they pull off each assassination and each bloody disaster in which thousands of lives are lost? It is apparent that full power and control are all they care about, and it doesn't matter what it takes to help them maintain it.
And what about the pawns like Oswald who carry out their wishes--and then are sacrificed before they can ever reveal what they have done? Where do people like this come from--who are willing to sell their souls to the devil for a mess of pottage? Do they start out as innocents, as new FBI or CIA agents, thinking (like soldiers recruited into the Iraq war) that they are doing their duty to defend and protect their country? And then they get hooked into a system so evil, with so many twists and turns in a maze of secrecy and codes of do-or-die (do-AND-die) obedience, they can find no way out? Where along the way do they become corrupt like their masters? How do these men go home at night to their families--their own wives and children--after a day in which they deliberately murdered others--men, women and children--ripping them away from their families? How do these men-turned-into-monsters call themselves "Christians" and go to church on Sunday with their families?
Those questions go through my mind when I read carefully researched, factual material such as that laid out in this book, JFK: The Unspeakable. Yes, it is unspeakable! An unspeakable horror story that happens to be true. It was true in our world back on November 22, 1963. It was true on September 11, 2001. And it is true in our world of the present. This kind of madness is taking place every day in our country, which we so naively love to think of as ruled by a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Books like this one prove that to be a lie, no matter how much we would want to believe it. When a book like this appears, pulling away the rock to reveal the skittering creepy-crawlers underneath, do any of our up-front politicians (as opposed to the behind-the-scenes powers) cringe when they read it? Do those who are not yet caught in the web of deceit go into a state of denial about it all? I wonder. But no matter how many times the nefarious players are exposed in books like this one--and there have been many other revelatory ones preceding it--somehow the ruling elite manage to keep the lid pulled down tightly enough to get away with their deeds, and the majority of the populace remains ignorant and docile, easily able to be manipulated and controlled in whichever way the powerful want them to act. As proof, you can witness how right now their well-controlled minions/dittoheads are disrupting town hall meetings all around the country, following the dictate of their masters who want the powerful reign of insurance companies and Big Pharma to continue in this country.
What a world.... Thankfully, the quantum physicists assure us it isn't real, but just illusory (although they can't tell us what this illusion really is)! Yet in this illusion we call earth life, there is much ado -- is it all about nothing? So I continue to read and educate myself. I have learned a great deal in my 7 decades on the planet -- and yet, there is much more to know. My main thrust for knowledge/wisdom has been in the spiritual arena, and, as it turns out, that was the best direction for my curiosity and desire for understanding. It has given me a very broad scope with which to view these short life spans on planet Earth that we seemingly whirl through, incarnation after incarnation. Through that search, I have come to a more profound understanding than one could ever get by just observing the externals in life.
With all that said, I still recommend this book to anyone who wants a better comprehension of the externals, such as the political scene in an illusory world. As a wise sage once said, "If I have a dream in which a house is on fire and people are crying out to be helped, I don't pass by but do what I can to help. Just so, in this dream called life. Whatever is appropriate will be done."
HOWEVER, for those who want a realization that takes one beyond all suffering (Yes, REALLY!), I highly and passionately recommend any of John Wheeler's books that can be found on at:
Anyone who is fortunate enough to read John's books and feel the resonance of his words (pointers) within him/herself can be free for all time from the harsh suffering apparently caused by thoughts, fears, memories, guilt, world events, and everything else that comes with the belief in an individualized existence. Life will still appear the same, but your experience will be far different than it was when you were suffering under a false belief. As John says, in one of my favorite quotes from him:
Suffering is sustained by the belief in the reality of the separate, independent, limited self. This concept is the root of all the other self-centered thoughts and beliefs. We picked these up in the "years of ignorance" when our natural and innate identity was unclear. This lack of clarity led us to assume that the conceptual "I" or self-image was true, that this mind-created person and all of its identifications was who we are. The arising of the self-centered thoughts and belief in the reality of the "I" thought as our actual identity is itself what suffering is. As long as the "I" is assumed to be present and true and, most importantly, to be what we are, the root of suffering is alive and we will fall victim to belief and interest in the self-centered concepts. It is not a matter of waiting for "conditioning" to fall away. This is a common but misguided view. It is not the thoughts per se that constitute the suffering. It is the belief in them. It is the continued tendency to look into the mind and take its images to be valid definitions of ourselves that sustains the suffering. Often, this basic mechanism is not clearly understood, in spite of whatever other understanding we may have. This leads us to misperceive the cause of suffering and fail to understand it. But once this is clear, the ability to believe in the concepts falls away and the basis of the suffering is removed.
The clarity of those words rings like a bell within me -- and helps me to laugh as more of an observer of the human scene than as a strongly involved participant. I still observe and participate as a seemingly separate person, but am no longer involved in a suffering way. I am forever grateful to my friend John for pursuing his own spiritual search until he found the answers that rang true within himself -- and then felt he could share this with his friends (no cost, no organization, no hierarchy, nothing but good conversation and simple, clear truth). I do feel blessed to have discovered this in this lifetime. And I would like to share it with friends who also feel drawn, as I did, to find real truth in what appears to be a confused mish-mash of a world.
For spiritual seekers who have been searching in the "marketplace" for years, the following warning comes from an reviewer of one of John's books, that I think is very helpful advice:
If you are "enjoying" your spiritual life-- reading spiritual books, watching videos, going to satsang, following teachers with funny names about, getting enlightened, developing your psycho-spiritual being, opening your chakras, consciously evolving, going deeper, understanding more, then don't read this book! John's books are not about feeding "your" spiritual life but rather ending it by the simple and direct recognition of your true nature, this Light Behind Consciousness which is prior to the conceptual mind and yet completely illuminates it.
Because this recognition is so simple and direct, there is nothing the conceptual mind can do with it or about it. There are no practices, no philosophy, no beliefs. There is nothing in this pointing for a separate "me" to do.
Fortunately, John has infinite patience dealing with the confusion and questions of the mind as he helps the "reader" recognize what they always already are. As 'Sailor' Bob says, "This is simplicity itself."
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