Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Elephant in Our Living Room

The irresponsibility of the Republican Party encompasses so many issues, it is hard to believe its members could be so dense.  Greed and power lust has invaded that party to such a degree, it has lost any practical sense or compassion it might once have had.  Its members want to see us return to a dream they have of what our country was in the past, instead of facing and tackling the problems we now have in the present.  They are holding back the entire world in that respect.  This kind of behavior will reap its own karma -- but it is a karma that all of us on the planet will have to share.  We are being held hostage by the Republicans. Either because they are blinded by greed or just sheer ignorance, they are blocking every good thing that might alleviate suffering in our world.  Their selfish arrogance in clinging to lies in the face of truth will eventually bring them down -- but, sadly, most of the rest of us will be brought down with them. 

The following article regarding global warming puts forth the greatest problem facing the planet, and it is being entirely denied and ignored by the Republicans and the corporations who rule them--and us.  Driven by greed, they refuse to consider reduction of emissions into the atmosphere, even in the face of already devastating environmental changes that are obviously connected to the actions of humans.  Their strategy is obstructionism, in every case, in every way. Stuck in a dark age consciousness, the far right wing, led by the likes of Sarah Palin, like to think of themselves as "fiscally conservative" (while spending profligately when they are in power, a la Cheney and Bush). The far right wingers see themselves as arms-bearing saviors of "the American way of life" -- while at the same time watching their own elected officials do away with the middle class in favor of the rich.  They think of "compromise" as "My way or the highway." And with the wimpy president we now have (who promised us "change we can believe in"--hah!) afraid to stand up to them, the Republicans are running our country into the ground.  Their blind denial of the problems we are all facing, in favor of keeping the wealthiest among us basking in opulence, will cause the downfall of our nation.  LIke a snowball rolling rapidly downhill, increasing in size and threatening to launch an avalanche at any moment, it is happening as I write this.  The heroes in our midst (and we have only a few of them these days), like Senator Bernie Sanders, see the handwriting on the wall and are crying out for us to save ourselves--but the right wing has FOX News spewing out lies by the barrelful daily, and the dittohead sheeple listen to them faithfully, baaing and bleating all the way to their doom...and ours.


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