Sunday, December 26, 2010

The American Dream: Disneyland 1956 style

My daughter Linda just sent me the following video and article.  I watched the home movie video, amused and nostalgic for those simpler days when the American dream was still alive and thriving.  Oh, how different life is today! (and, in most ways, not for the better.)  The father who made this home movie died recently at the age of 91.  You might want to read the article first to get a feeling for what the home movie was all about.  
a little about the movie:
Robbins Barstow, an amateur filmmaker who for decades recorded his family's doings in home movies of such novelty and quality that one of them, the 30-minute "Disneyland Dream," was admitted to the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress two years ago. That rare honor elevates Barstow's filmmaking to a pantheon otherwise restricted mostly to Hollywood classics, from "Citizen Kane" to "Star Wars."
the full nytimes article about it.

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