Monday, December 06, 2010

After breaking spending records, Christine O'Donnell still has $1 million left

...and guess who she wants to spend it on?  Soon she will be telling her Tea Party supporters to dig down in their pockets for more contributions to the Christine O'Donnell charity.

If the remaining $924,800 isn't spent on legal bills, O'Donnell could pay herself a salary with the money if she decides to run for office again.

"House and Senate candidates are permitted, under certain conditions, to receive a salary from their campaign committee (up to either the candidate’s earnings in the previous year or the salary of the office, whichever is lower)," according to FEC law.

O'Donnell only reported an income of $8,500 in 2009, but with a book deal, she may have made significantly more in 2010....

During the general election, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a criminal complaint alleging that the candidate had used $20,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses.

"Christine O'Donnell is clearly a criminal, and like any crook she should be prosecuted," CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan said in a statement.

The candidate later acknowledged using campaign funds to pay part of the rent on her town house.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) officials are examining campaign records going back to 2009. She has until Dec. 28 to submit either written responses or amendments to her original reports.

The FEC "pointed to incorrect figures, omitted debts and potentially excessive contributions," The News Journal's Nicole Guadiano noted.


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