Saturday, December 04, 2010

No tax cuts for middle class unless the rich get them, too

The GOP has spoken. The corporate lobbyists have bought and paid for the Republican Congressional representatives who are happily singing on their way to the bank. The Christmas bonuses on Wall Street are the highest ever this year.  Their Christmas parties are going to be overflowing with wine, women, and song.  Meanwhile, in the fast disappearing middle class, millions are without jobs -- and their unemployment benefits have ended, not to be restored if the Republicans have anything to say about it -- and, UNFORTUNATELY, they do! 

 I wonder how people who voted for the Republicans this last time around feel about this slap at the middle class in favor of the rich?  Or do they not even realize they voted against their own interests?  I would guess the latter is correct.  Can you believe the Republicans aren't interested in tax cuts for the middle class even with a cutoff for the wealthy at $1 million a year?  They tell  us those millionaires with their yachts and 9 or 10 homes really need the tax break -- BUT to extend unemployment benefits to those who are hanging on by their fingernails, NO!, say the Republicans. Not unless we give the rich even more money and increase the national debt because of it.  Our world is upside down and backwards ever since the Cheney/Bush disastrous 8 years.  They drove us into the ground in every way, taking a national surplus and creating a gigantic national debt instead. 
In 2001, President Bill Clinton left office with a federal budget surplus of $127 billion. That means the federal budget had more revenue than expenditures and that some of the money could go to paying the national debt.  But, as we all know, that did not happen once Cheney and Bush got their hands on the national till.   Yet the Republicans still love to call themselves fiscal conservatives.  There is no limit to how much in denial ideologues can be in their strong belief system, even in the face of a mountain of facts that prove the exact opposite is true.  It is as if they are blind and deaf to facts and can only listen to falsehoods, which their favorite channel FOX dishes up to them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  


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