Sunday, December 05, 2010

Frank Rich: Obama has Stockholm Syndrome

It seems Obama wants to be a one-term president. He's doing a great job at making that come true. And that's about the only thing at which he is doing a great job. What a disappointment this man has been! Frank Rich's column says it clearly. Obama is acting like a prisoner of the Republicans, trying to placate them at every turn. Every time he reaches out to them, they slap him (and us--We, the people) right in the face. It is disgusting to watch Obama's obsequious behavior with these criminals who are trying to ruin our country...and are succeeding! Can you imagine, a president calling for a meeting with Congressional Republicans and having them say their schedules are "too busy" to meet with him?!!! And he makes new arrangements to accommodate them?!!! And then praises them, saying, "We're making progress," just as they are telling the country they will not pass anything he wants! They have no regard for the cost to the country of their political arrogance and idiocy. I want to cry out to Obama, "Good God, man, where is your backbone?!!!! Stand up to these blackguard thieves and robbers!!!" But he won't. He'll continue to capitulate to their every whim, even as they have made it clear they will block everything just to make him look bad. It can't get much worse than this -- and we are all suffering for it! Read the following to get a full picture of what we are all having to endure because conscienceless bastards and idiots have taken over our country.

Obama should have pounded home the case against profligate tax cuts for the wealthiest before the Democrats lost the Senate. Even now Warren Buffett — not a socialist, by the way — is making the case with a Christie-esque directness that usually eludes the president. “The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we’ll all go out and spend more, and then it will trickle down to the rest of you,” he told Christiane Amanpour on “This Week” last Sunday. “But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on.” (Oh yes, many of us have caught on -- but not the Republicans or our President, who should appear on Time Magazine's cover as Wimp of the Year.)

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