This is big news -- especially for those of us who, for years, have been warning about chemtrails, while being scoffed at for our "conspiracy" theories.
EXCERPT: For all those activists who have been investigating and reporting on clandestine government operations around the world to manipulate our weather patterns, this news from Germany is groundbreaking. The TV news report states that "the military planes of the German Federal Army are manipulating our climate; this is what the weather researchers are presuming and their suspicions are confirmed. "We can state with a 97% certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails (chemtrails) comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals, used to disrupt radar signals."
This is their main purpose, but I was surprised that this artificial cloud was so wide-spread. The radar images are stunning considering the needed tons of dispersed elements -- although the federal army claims that only small amounts of material were propagated. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful.
In addition to the above link, the following site has information for Santa Cruzans re. the moth spraying that was done in our area, plus info. on other subjects, including the dangers of depleted uranium:
Monday, November 24, 2008
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» Germany is first country to admit clandestine chemtrail operations
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