An encouraging word from Texas!...and the following is a statement and video on the subject that I just received from brasschecktv. "I'm not sure anyone can fix the trashed world financial system...but I'll personally feel a whole lot better when Dick Cheney and George Bush are in jail. Half of that ideal may be on the verge of being achieved. A Texas prosecutor has just filed a formal indictment against Cheney for being part of a criminal conspiracy. Interesting case... Privately owned prisons abused prisoners... Cheney was an investor in these prisons... he and former crooked Attorney General Alberto Gonzales actively interfered with the investigation of abuses, including murder, in these prisons. It's a RICO charge - the operation of an organized criminal enterprise. And the indictments are real. Will Mr. Cheney soon be a guest at the Graybar Hotel? I certainly hope so. It would be good for America's soul." Details:
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