Monday, December 22, 2008

Readers' comments on KBR/toxin story

Dick Cheney, whose face and curled-lip sneer show the evil that lies within him, has created so much karma for himself in this incarnation, it will take him an eternity to clean his slate. The deaths, injuries, and illnesses of our troops sent off into an unnecessary war by Cheney and Bush are only a small part of their terrible deeds in the past eight years. Their greed and power plays will be recorded in history's infamy. I hope and pray they will be indicted for their war crimes and other crimes against humanity! I am fully expecting Bush to issue Cheney a pardon at the last minute before he leaves the White House.

Obama should call in a shaman to cleanse the White House after the neocons finally leave. Their evil actions and foul energy must permeate the place. I wouldn't want to live there and breathe the dirty air they leave behind.

Some of the readers' comments on the KBR story are excellent:

This story is far from over. In the end, it will be difficult to say who did more damage to American interests, the enemy or KBR. (So Very True!)

KBR's handiwork already includes at least 16 US soldier deaths from improperly-wired facilities, and now this, an explicit tale of both indifference and incompetence from Halliburton/KBR-- the very people who got a no-bid contract for Cheney-Rumsfeld & Co. at premium prices.

And what was the rationale for awarding a no-bid contract to Halliburton/KBR? Because Cheney-Rumsfeld insisted only Halliburton/KBR could do the job correctly. (Cheney is the former head of Halliburton, and retains generous profit-sharing options. In effect, Cheney awarded himself a contract in clear conflict of interest. US taxpayers made him even richer.)

KBR is now a spin-off of Halliburton, though the same mendacity pervades both companies.


Just a little more of the "bush-cheney" LEGACY.. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be more, and we can thank good Ol bush, cheney, and all their greedy friends over at KBR, and Halliburton.. I''m sure that the Republicans will try to blame this on someone else. The "Dirty Tricks Machine" over at the RNC will be working overtime.

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