Sunday, December 14, 2008

Many are insisting Obama is not black

I've always thought of Obama as being the perfect combination of half white/half black to carry on in a Lincolnesque tradition.  And he seems to be doing just that. We have never needed a president like Lincoln more than we do right now.  Obama has many of the same qualities that Lincoln demonstrated: wisdom, thoughtfulness, compassion, reaching across party lines, a willingness to delegate and to listen to the counsel of others, a spiritual belief in brotherhood and equality, and a calm, cool demeanor that is so needed in hot times such as these. It is great, also, to see that the melting pot is working and within a few more lifetimes perhaps there will not be any racism at all because all the races will be blended together. Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a world where white supremacists no longer exist?


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