Saturday, November 08, 2008

91% of Republicans like Sarah -- 64% want her to run in 2012

OMG! No wonder the Republican party is imploding. Sarah didn't even know Africa is a continent -- yet the Republicans railed against Obama as being "inexperienced." I guess they don't think of "uneducated" or "ignorant" as hindrances for application to the highest office in the land. That's already been demonstrated by their choice of Bush--TWICE. What is the matter with these people? Have their brains stopped working?

I know several Republicans, but am hopeful they are not within the 64% who actually think Sarah Palin is qualified to be president. There have to be SOME smart Republicans still left in the nation. Perhaps they, like Colin Powell, have deserted the Republican party where much of the membership doesn't believe in evolution and thinks dinosaurs and humans were on the earth at the same time -- 4,000 years ago. If the Democrats started spouting stuff like this--and bringing in candidates of the Sarah Palin type, I'd be out of that party in blink-your-eyes time.