We get a lot of our videos from YouTube. It's easier that way and since time is limited, we go with what's easiest.
One thing that has discouraged me about YouTube is how quickly good discussions degenerate. A very astute
subscriber who has pointed out and even sourced many of the videos we include in our daily mailings let me in
on what to me was a big secret. Believe it or not... There are people who check YouTube every day to
find popular videos that discuss topics that are unflattering and unhelpful to various right wing agendas.
When they find one, they register a brand new YouTube account and start using it to disrupt the discussion by
attacking the video, the speakers on the video and other people making comments. They also post false
information which they assert to be true. (And send it out by the tons in their e-mails!)
Their goal is nothing less than to disrupt free speech by shouting down the people who've gathered
to have an honest give and take exchange. We've posted some info today so that you can learn more
about this phenomenon and how to counter it in an ethical, above board way. Maybe YouTube will be inspired
to create some functionality to make it easier to identify people who are abusing their system and making it a
less useful tool.
Details: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/561.html
- Brasscheck
Saturday, February 14, 2009
From Brasscheck TV re: YouTube bullies
Ah yes, there will always be the Rush Limbaugh/Glenn Beck/Ann Coulter dittoheads, doing the dirty work for their cult leaders. No surprises here -- it is just part of their normal way of "communicating" their idiotology.
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