Saturday, February 21, 2009


By Brent Budowsky

You gotta love the far right.

Now they are running an ad invoking Jesus in support of Herbert Hoover/George W. Bush economic policies. If they imply Jesus would support George Bush's tax cuts for the rich, do they believe Jesus would support Dick Cheney's policies of torture? Would Jesus support Abu Ghraib? How about the cover-up of Abu Ghraib? Would Jesus support that? How about insurance companies opposing healthcare reform?

Now, I would not presume to state with certainty what Jesus would do politically today. But it is fair to ask, since the right initiated the debate: Don't you agree that Jesus would be far more likely to support helping the homeless and the foreclosed-upon ahead of the bankers and Wall Street execs who make millions? Wouldn't Jesus more likely support stewards of the earth against polluters opposing global warming action? Since Jesus believed we should cure the ill, wouldn't Jesus support single-payer health insurance, or other major heathcare reform? Since the right-wing vision is Darwinian survival of the fittest, and the hell with people CNBC reporter Rick Santelli calls "losers,” I would think Jesus would agree with Nancy Pelosi's vision, much more than, say, Eric Cantor's, right?

Let’s have a debate. Would Jesus support Darwinian economics or liberal Democratic proposals to help the homeless, feed the hungry, clothe the needy, cure the ill and be stewards of the planet against global warming? Would Jesus support a human-rights policy of "do unto others" or waterboarding and the naked aggressions of Abu Ghraib? What would Jesus think about perjury, putting one's hands on the Bible and lying under oath? What would Jesus think of Scooter Libby? You tell me, conservatives, I dare you.

Who would Jesus bail out first, millionaire bankers or foreclosed-upon homeowners? What would Jesus believe in more strongly, tax cuts for the rich or using the money to care for wounded troops? How would Jesus have voted on the stimulus: doing the most to help the needy, or cutting the jobs program in half in favor of more Bush-esque doggie-bag tax cuts for the wealthy?

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t claim to know for sure what Jesus would do politically today. I am a "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" kind of guy. BUT — if the right wants to force the issue …

I think it is much more likely that Jesus would be a liberal Democrat than a "help the rich,” "endanger the planet" Darwinian conservative Republican. Right?
