More Damned Lies from the neocons. Now it's Richard Perle, a major architect of the Iraq War, asking, "Who? Me? I didn't do anything! Who do you believe? Me or your lyin' eyes?" Oh, you really have got to read this one from the Washington Post! It's a wonder they didn't tar and feather him and ride him out of the room on a rail. Lying is so much a part of the sociopathic neocon character that they expect us to swallow anything they say, even when the truth is staring them in the face in the form of their own words and videos from the past.
Sadly, there are still some Republicans who will swallow this whole -- just as they swallowed every other lie told to them by the Idiot Bush, the Dark Lord Cheney, and the Prince of Darkness who is quoted here, trying to revise history in a most abominable way. These poor deluded dyed-in-the-wool Republicans will continue to defend Bush and the evil men in his administration -- and will no doubt vote for Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber when they run on the Republican ticket in 2012. In addition, in their blindness, they are already angrily blitzing Obama as he tries desperately to right the Bush wrongs. Not even caring that they and their own families will be terribly affected, these Rush Limbaugh "dittoheads" are hoping and praying Obama will fail in his attempt to save our country and the world from economic disaster. Read the following article -- and laugh and cry along with me:
Prince of Darkness Richard Perle Denies Own Existence!
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