If you have an interest (as I do) in getting to the truth about the JFK assassination, a new book you might want to read is: JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James Douglass. It gives details that make sense -- This reviewer tells it right: If you want a cogent, serious read about the assassination, and a brave, logical exploration of the true motivation behind the killing, read Douglass's book. The establishment will try to smear him as a "peace activist" (God knows there's nothing worse than someone who works for peace), but he's got it right. Unlike many of the so-called "tell all" books about the assassination on the market today, Douglass points fingers at the people who GENUINELY had means, motive and opportunity to kill Kennedy. The author has done some thorough investigation and delivers interviews with people who were actually involved--including a CIA agent who managed to disengage himself from the plot by committing a victimless crime (shooting off a gun in a bank) that was sure to get him in jail and away from the plotters. Douglass sees Kennedy's "peace speech" of June 10,1963, as the watershed moment in the rift between Kennedy and the military-industrial-intelligence complex. No more wars, no more war profiteering, you say? No more president, they say.
No wonder Obama is walking the razor's edge since entering the White House!
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