Monday, November 16, 2009

IMPORTANT: Another scientist "suicide"

All the links below are very important ones to read/watch.

Some things, especially techniques of government "specialists," never change: This latest reported suicide of a British scientist (see below) sounds very much like U.S. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal's death way back in 1949 -- when he "tried to hang himself" and "fell" from a 16th floor hospital window. Interesting story on this is at:
It seems Forrestal knew a lot about UFOs at the time--and that was a subject Truman et al did NOT want to be told to the public. Shortly before Forrestal's death, Stuart Symington, Sec'y. of the Air Force, called him into his office and had a long talk with him. After that "talk," Forrestal was seen to be sitting in a chair staring at the wall and repeating the words, "I am a loyal fellow, I am a loyal fellow..." He was put into a hospital--on the 16th floor at the government's request--and was not allowed to see a priest whom he continually asked for. The priest tried to see him several times and was always turned away. Hmmmm...... Then, when Forrestal's brother made a decision to take Forrestal out of the hospital and notified the government/hospital of his plans....oops...the night before his brother's arrival, Forrestal "committed suicide."

It's dangerous to be in a position of knowing important information that the powers-that-be don't want to get out to the public. You have to wonder what info. did the following poor fellow have (and perhaps wanted to tell about).

the latest "suicide" story...

For more information on the suicides/disappearances of many scientists (particularly micro-biologists, which brings us up to the present-day virus scares), read this story:

NOW, to the present day and a very important subject: Are viruses being created in the labs? Could the purpose possibly be the culling of the human herd on our very over-populated planet? Just questions that should be asked....and answered. Read below about a very interesting video that can be found on this subject. I watched the video and am very impressed with the doctor's presentation. She gives important information and takes great pains in presenting just the facts, without trying to point to conspiracy:

Below is the link to the quickest and most accessible way to view this very important
"Bells Tolling for Swine Flu - A Doctor / Nun Speaks on Viruses and Vaccines."

Click only on the first link of the six links below. This should take you to the YouTube site where the six 9-minute segments of the interview with Teresa Forcades i Vila, the doctor/nun, are still available to watch. So, one click on the top link and you can watch the segments one by one. Note that at first, when the site opens up, you will see only two boxes with her photo. Wait! Within about ten seconds, the screen will change and all six vertical photo boxes will be visible and it will automatically go into the first segment.

The first segment will lead, without need for any prompting "clicks," to the second and so on through the sixth segment. Some of the segments load quickly and some take a longer time, especially the sixth and last segment. Each segment picks up where the last left off, so do watch them in order. You can go back after a first viewing and review any one of the six segments by clicking on the appropriate highlighted link (given below, 1 through 6 lines of links).

Another way to get to the YouTube interview is to go to the following site:

Then click near the top on "A Nun/Doctor Speaks on Viruses and Vaccines" and it should open just below to these same six links, listed one after the other. Or they may already be there on the "page" - just scroll down and see.

Also on this site is a long article written by Dr. Russell Blaylock on the subject of flu viruses, vaccines and autism rates. But note that his article must have been written before Tesesa Forcades' interview was made available just days ago.


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