What an intelligent, compassionate woman is this author of the Harry Potter books! This speech is worth keeping -- and sharing with everyone. It's an amazing contrast to the filled-with-hate "Christian" woman in the video I sent out yesterday -- in which she was instilling great FEAR! in far right wing fundamentalist children (poor things) who were being forced to listen to her rantings. Some of her ravings were against Rowlings' Harry Potter books, which she inferred were the works of the devil--and said, in essence, that Harry Potter should be killed (to which a child in her brainwashed audience called out "Amen!"). The difference in intelligence and life viewpoint between these women is phenomenal! They really live on different planets in different universes. I know which one of them I would rather share a planet and universe with.... you can make your own choice.
The woman in yesterday's video (if you missed it, you can see it at: )
also extolled the virtues of George W. Bush to those children--she had a huge cutout figure of Bush and had the kids revere it along with her, telling them how spiritual he is. See this at:
Isn't it funny how right wingers get so angry if kids in a grade school include in one of their presentations an innocent song about Obama -- and oh boy, have they ever tried to make a HUGE thing about that! -- yet they see nothing wrong with right wing kids being indoctrinated into actual worship of Bush? Just one of the many dichotomies in our world today. In my opinion, authoritarian fundamentalist religions/ideologies of all kinds are the most dangerous and ignorant plagues on our planet today. If I could wave a magic wand, I would get rid of every one of them. And--to my right-wing friends who have trouble seeing straight, No, I would not include Democratic principles among them. The core principles of the Democrat Party match up perfectly with J.K. Rowlings' speech. If only the Democrats would follow those core principles without catering to Congressional members who are being paid by right-wing lobbyists to destroy them!!!
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