...and NOT a right-wing conservative one!!! I am tired of Obama and dirty politics as usual. He has in no way fulfilled the promises he made to us in order to get elected. Now that he's in, he's willing to keep Tim Geithner in as Treasury Sec'y -- even tho' Geithner is clearly a Wall Street stooge. Where is the health care plan Obama promised? Why has he not weighed in on this important issue? It seems as tho' he is willing for it to die on the vine. I am NOT impressed with his stewardship thus far!
I'm in complete agreement with the author of the follow piece -- it's time to get rid of the whole darn bunch in Washington (all except Dennis Kucinich, a true man of principle and champion of the people) -- and start over!
By Philip Faruggio
EXCERPT: The Republicans, as stated previously, are beyond redemption. The Democrats are not far behind. From those who lead the local Democratic organizations, right up through to the Congress, they are a corrupt and fraudulent party. They "feel your pain" and then vote along with the rich who control them. Plain and simple.
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