Believing in reincarnation as I do, I have even entertained the thought that perhaps Obama is a new incarnation of Lincoln. Wouldn't it be appropriate for the man who spoke always of uniting the country, the "Great Emancipator" of African-Americans, to choose a new incarnation as half-black, half-white in order to finish the reconciliation of the races -- and ascend to the presidency once more--this time in the form of a black man? Lincoln was not able to finish the job he started in the Civil War days. His life was cut short by the madness of John Wilkes Booth, and he was not able to soothe or reason with the inflamed southern hatred that remained after the war. He was not given the chance to bring the country through a period of reconstruction and reconciliation as he had hoped. Instead of his dream of bringing a divided nation together, the discord between the north and south has continued down through the years of American history, to the present day. Despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the advances made by African Americans since then, there is still much racial divide in our nation. By signing the Civil Rights Act into law, Lyndon Johnson seemed to be carrying out the duties that should have been performed by Andrew Johnson when he ascended to the presidency after Lincoln's death. (I've always found it interesting that both men's names were Johnson. To carry the reincarnational theory one step further, might not the soul of Andrew Johnson have returned to correct some of its mistakes of the past?)
Whether or not you can contemplate or agree with these reincarnational musings, I think you will find the Lincoln quotes in the following essay to be inspirational. Perhaps you will wish, as the author does--and I do, that our new president will embody some of Lincoln's finest characteristics and will bring fulfillment to many of his hopes and dreams for our country. My own highest hope is that Obama will be able to heal the divides that now exist, and bring our country together. It is a huge task that lies before him, and (regardless of our political persuasion) he deserves our best wishes and prayers as he takes up the heavy burden of the presidency in the year 2009.
Election Anxiety: Advice from Abraham Lincoln
by Russell Bishop
By the time the votes are tabulated and our choice for President is confirmed, we will find ourselves standing at a critical fork in the road, one that leads either to a precipice from which we leap to our own demise, or toward a towering mountain beyond which lies a verdant field of promise. The choice will be yours, mine and our neighbors.
As I found myself concerned about this election and its implications, I turned to Abraham Lincoln for inspiration. Most of us know that Lincoln was a Republican, one who guided us from a troubling past of slavery into a future that seems very much upon us. His guidance from the past seems ever current today.
Please consider these eloquent words and join in creating a future in which we can all grow and prosper.
On the need to unite
"With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
As we move forward from the election, uniting for the common good will be critical, both for the well being of us as individuals, and more so for the well being of the country. Clearly, we need to support one another, to comfort one another, and to align ourselves in the restoration of good works from which and for which all will benefit.
"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"
Surely, neither the McCain nor Obama camps are trying to do harm to the nation, the people or to the world at large. They clearly disagree mightily about the right and proper course. Can we not find a way to align in service to the common good, to respectfully disagree, and address the negatives of the world without having to add negativity in the process? We need to step past the animus, the name calling, and join together to improve this country and well being of ALL of our citizens.
"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
Could we please stop the insults, the outrageous accusations, and outright lies? Just today I watched an interview of voters in Texas proclaiming Barack Obama to be a socialist, a Muslim, and a friend of terrorists. Even worse, robocalls are circulating today in Pennsylvania accusing Barack of activities basically supporting domestic terrorism. Could we please stop circulating this kind of trash talk? Even if you think Barack Obama or John McCain is a "dog," at least let us be clear that he is of the four legged variety.
And in case you don't like someone from the other side, consider this advice from President Lincoln::
"I don't like that man. I must get to know him better. "
I sure hope everyone is listening! Could you be the person others dislike? Are you someone else's "jerk." I am not a fan of John McCain the politician; however, I have no doubt that he is a fine human being, one who cares and cares deeply. I can easily disagree with his approach without having to villify him.
I once commented that very few parents spend late night hours trying to figure out how to screw up their kids, despite what their kids may have to say about them. The same is true for both the McCain and Obama camps - no matter what you think of their politics or policies, neither is spending any time whatsoever trying to make things worse.
On America as leader in the free world:
"Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. "
"My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth."
I sure hope we are listening here. We have seen enough of self-serving excuses to use war as an economic tool or the lever to force upon others that which we deem to be in their best interest. Could we please lead by example rather than force? Protection and defense are one thing, aggression based on deception is quite another.
As we move forward from this election, I sincerely hope our new President shares Lincoln's dream and will craft policies intended to inspire, to lead, and to ensure equall treatment for all.
On fixing the current political, social and financial crisis:
"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
Don't we need to spend a few hours figuring out how to fix the current mess without rushing into ill conceived "plans" that can be usurped as easily as the plans that created the current mess?
"Republicans are for both the man and the dollar, but in case of conflict the man before the dollar."
Knowing that Lincoln was a Republican, you have to wonder if and how things could have changed so much. Can we find our way back to valuing people more highly than financial gain?
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts."
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today "
Every politician I have heard in the last couple of decades waxes poetic, with a bit of fire and brimstone thrown in when talking about mortgaging our future and shackling our children's children with insurmountable debt and financial problems. And then they seem to heap more kindling on the fire. Hopefully, our new President will heed Mr. Lincoln's advice and lead us into a new era of response-ability, accountability, and integrity. Please!
On leading us into the future:
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
Could whomever wins office tomorrow have the courage and character to address that which is for the common good, to look after the many rather than the few, and restore a sense of dignity and pride to who we are as a nation?
"He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help."
Nearly one hundred years later, Sidney J. Harris said: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."
May we all have wisdom to unite, the courage to face the future, and the heart to help.
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