I recently received the following e-mail from Dr. Susan Lark, who puts out an informative newsletter especially for women. This is such a simple tip -- and is worthwhile trying. I am using baking soda daily now -- and am grateful to Dr. Lark for giving us this important information. Of course, this tip isn't only for women -- men can use it, too, and see how it works for them...
Dear Friend,
You've done it all. Juggled the demands of your career while being a loving wife and mother.
Been the family nurse, bookkeeper, chef, and social activities director. Lost the same ten pounds ten times. And stayed awake countless nights, worrying about everyone around you.
Sometimes you feel like all the cooking, cleaning, working, and family time are sucking you dry. Sometimes you wake up so drained and exhausted that you can barely get yourself out of bed.
With all these demands on your time and energy, how are you supposed to find time to care for your health?
Well, I have some good news for you. Staying healthy and full of energy is a lot easier than you think. And in the next few pages, you're going to learn exactly how to do it.
You're going to find out how to have stronger bones... greater mental alertness... and a powerful immune system that protects you against colds, flu, and even cancer.
You're going to learn how to maintain your perfect weight, without torturing yourself.
And you're going to discover the secret to getting a good night's sleep and waking up feeling great every day. No more waking up stiff, in pain, or with that sluggish, puffy-eyed look.
Best of all, you're going to do all this without dangerous drugs, without punishing exercises, without Spartan diets, and without choking down fistfuls of nutritional supplements.
I know it sounds too good to be true. But it's not! And in the next few pages, I'm going to prove it to you.
My name is Susan Lark, and I'm a medical doctor with 31 years of clinical practice. But more importantly, I'm a wife, mother, and working professional.
Today, at the age of 61, I have tremendous energy, vitality, and health. I rarely get colds... my memory is excellent... my bones and muscles are strong... my skin is tight and smooth... and my hormone levels are in balance.
But it wasn't always that way. Back in my mid-thirties, my health was absolutely horrible!
On the surface, my life appeared perfect. I had a happy family, a thriving medical practice, and was on the clinical faculty at Stanford University Medical School.
But little by little, the stress of my personal and professional life began to wear me down. During a single three-year period, I'd gone through a divorce, gotten re-married, and given birth to a daughter who was born prematurely.
Rather than allowing this to slow me down, I kicked myself into high gear. I became Super Mom, Super Wife, and Super Doctor—juggling my patients, my students, and my family... and rushing madly from one task to another.
My body couldn't handle the stresses I was loading on it. I began to feel tired and have trouble sleeping. Then I started getting swollen glands and frequent sore throats.
Finally, I had a full-fledged health breakdown. I became so worn out and weak that I could hardly move. My digestive system shut down to the point that the only foods I could tolerate were boiled potatoes and steamed vegetables!
And food wasn't the only thing my body couldn't tolerate: any time I was exposed to perfumes, lawn chemicals, or household cleaners, I'd get dizzy and feel like I was going to faint.
I'd break down in tears and wonder how I would ever get through the day.
But you know what? I dug myself out of that black hole and nursed myself back to health. I went back to being the peak performer I once was. And in the process, I discovered my mission in life: to help exhausted, stressed-out women find the health and vitality they deserve. And to do so with simple, practical solutions that don't take a lot of time or expense.
And those are the solutions I'd like to share with you, starting right now!
The Simplest, Most Dramatic Thing You Can Do For Your Health
What if I were to tell you that there's one simple cure you can use to beat osteoporosis... fatigue... joint pain... muscle aches... brain fog... and allergies? You'd probably be skeptical. Yet it's true. It's the first thing I did to nurse myself back to health... and it's also worked on hundreds of my patients.
What is it? Simply to balance your acid and alkaline level.
You see, if you suffer from any of the ailments I mentioned above, the common cause is too much acidity in your body. Neutralize this acidity, and your problems often disappear. Here's why:
Almost all of the body's functions require a slightly alkaline state. This includes immunity, cardiovascular function, muscle function, brain function, tissue health, and energy output. very minute of every day, your body works to get rid of excess acid. In fact, almost every cell of your body contains alkaline substances such as calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. These alkaline substances neutralize the acid in your body.
"If you're under stress, you probably generate more acidic waste products than your body can handle."
In addition, your lungs regulate pH by breathing in alkaline oxygen and breathing out acidic carbon dioxide. And your kidneys filter out excess acid so that it's excreted in your urine.
It's a perfectly choreographed balancing act. And it works wonders.
But here's the problem: today's modern lifestyle creates a lot more acidity than your body can handle.
First off, the typical American diet is filled with acid-forming foods like wheat, dairy products, red meat, sugar, and coffee. In fact, the USDA did a study and found that the average American eats six times more acidic foods than alkaline ones!
And even if you eat a healthy diet, the chances are good that you're still getting too much acid. That's because even healthy stuff like citrus fruits, vitamin C, and vigorous exercise are all acid-forming!
But that's not all. Frequent flying, air pollution, and over-the-counter medications all make your body acidic. And if you're under physical or mental stress (and who isn't these days!), you use more nutrients and generate more acidic waste products than your body can process and dispose of rapidly.
The aging process doesn't help, either.
The older we get, the harder our bodies have to work to maintain the acid/alkaline balance. For example, oxygen is essential to keeping your body alkaline. Yet your lungs' ability to take in oxygen declines one percent per year on average. It peaks for women at age 20, and by age 70, your oxygen intake is reduced by half.
What's more, after mid life, your pancreas produces less of the bicarbonate that keeps your body alkaline.
So what does your body do to make up for this? It starts taking calcium, magnesium, and other alkaline minerals from your bones! This happens day after day, year after year, until one day you have a bone density test and your doctor says "you have early osteoporosis."
And osteoporosis is just one of the problems caused by acidity. When your joints are acidic, you have joint pain. When your muscle tissues are acidic, you feel tired and achy. When the tissues of your brain are acidic, you feel mentally foggy. And when the tissues in your respiratory tract are acidic, they release histamine, causing sneezing, sniffling, and other allergy symptoms.
No wonder so many women feel lousy!
But here's good news: you can reverse all these problems, simply by correcting your acid/alkaline imbalance.
So how do you correct your acid/alkaline imbalance? One way is to cut down on meats, dairy, and starches, while eating more fresh vegetables. Of course, this isn't always easy to do. If you have a busy schedule, you may have to eat on the run like I do. And if, like me, you have an "empty nest" family, you're less likely to cook as often now that the kids are gone and you're cooking for just one or two people.
Don't worry, though. There's a quick fix you can use to instantly rebalance your body's pH. It's quick, it's easy, and it costs just pennies. And best of all, it's something you probably already have on hand!
The "Miracle Cure" in Your Refrigerator
The quick fix I'm talking about is baking soda! That's right, that little yellow box you keep in your fridge contains sodium bicarbonate, a highly alkaline substance. All you have to do is mix some baking soda in water and drink it.
I know it sounds too simple. But scientific studies prove it! In one study, baking soda reduced the uric acid crystals that cause joint pain and kidney stones. And in several other studies, athletes taking baking soda were able to improve their speed in races and increase the amount of time they could exercise before getting exhausted.
There's so much more I want to tell you about this amazing remedy, but I don't have room here. That's why I want to send you a FREE report I've just finished writing called The pH Miracle.
The report tells you all the ways you can benefit by taking baking soda. But that's not all. You'll also find other need-to-know information like this:
- How to check your acid/alkaline balance with a simple test you can do at home.
- An easy way to tell how much baking soda you should take. (Take too little, and you won't get the results you need. Take too much, and you can have diarrhea and abdominal discomfort.)
- What to take instead of baking soda if you're watching your sodium intake. This substitute works just as well. What it is, and where to get it.
- The one type of vitamin C that isn't acid-forming. Make sure your brand contains this form.
- How to eat an alkaline diet without depriving yourself of the foods you love. (I've included a handy, wallet-sized chart that lists delicious alkaline foods you can add to your diet. Take it with you when you're dining out or shopping at the grocery store.)
- Most women are too acidic, but others have the opposite problem—they're too alkaline! Here's how to tell... plus what to do about it.
- And much more.
As you can see, this report is chock-full of information that can help you restore your body's balance so you think clearly, resist disease, and recover your youthful energy. And I'd like to send you a copy absolutely FREE. Why? It's my way of introducing you to the health-boosting information in my monthly advisory, Women's Wellness Today.
Now I realize that you probably already subscribe to one or more health publications. So why would you want another one? The answer is that Women's Wellness Today is for women only.
ou see, most health publications give the same advice for both men and women. And this is a big mistake. Did you know, for example, that the female symptoms of a heart attack are different from the male symptoms? Or that a drug can act one way on a woman and another way on a man? Or that the causes of female anxiety are the exact opposite of the causes of male anxiety? It's true! That's why I decided years ago to start writing Women's Wellness Today.
Now, I know there are other publications geared to the female audience. But most of them rely on conventional medicine only. Or they're written by journalists... or by PhDs who've never treated a patient. Women's Wellness Today is the ONLY alternative health letter in the world for women only, written by a woman doctor.
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