This young man, healthy when he went into the service, was exposed to depleted uranium -- and has now died. You would think, wouldn't you, that the military would be rushing to help his family and make restitution through at least a small pension? You'd be wrong, of course. This family will have to fight for their benefits, just as our family had to fight for years to get benefits for my brother Bobby, who died of MS, which we all were certain (including his doctor) had developed in him as a result of his military service. After a many-years pursuit with multiple denials by the military, a pension for Bobby's family was finally granted to him just a couple weeks before he died.
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Depleted uranium has damaged, made ill, and caused the deaths of many soldiers who have served in Iraq. Yet, the government will not formally acknowledge the dangers of DU, either to our soldiers or to the Gulf region's population. You can see a short informative video on this at: Dr. Doug Rokke, the man in the video, is himself a victim of DU. He was the Director of the Army's DU cleanup program (as he tells on the video, DU is impossible to clean up). DU also affects the families of the soldiers, due to their intimate interactions with the soldier -- and many babies have been born with terrible disabilities as a result. A free DVD is available to all veterans on this subject. To find out more details, go to: At the bottom of the page, it tells how to get your free DVD. Please pass this information along to any veterans you may know.
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