Friday, September 05, 2008

The unsettling issue of John McCain's emotional instability

Not that any of this news gives pause to the dyed-in-the-wool Republican enthusiasts who think the Palin/McCain ticket is the best thing going! These are the same people who still love George Bush and Dick Cheney and who voted for them TWICE. But it behooves the rest of us to understand the terrible troubles a McCain presidency could bring.

The unsettling issue of John McCain's emotional instability

Most Americans are unaware that John McCain is infamous on Capitol Hill for repeated displays of volatile temper, often laced with language so foul that his "values-oriented" backers would be shocked to see how wildly vulgar their man can get. He isn't just a loose cannon in this regard, but a veritable, errant artillery battery of shoot-from-the-hip, dirty-lip verbiage directed at foe and friend alike. [And] I wouldn't want a Commander in Chief who confuses Sunnis and Shiites, thought that Czechoslovakia still existed, believed that Iraq and Afghanistan share a common border, etc. And certainly not one who doesn't know how many houses he owns, or imagines that $5 million is the threshold of wealth.

It's frightening that such muddle-headedness rides tandem with a slippery tendency for McCain to fly off the handle, spouting a blue streak, possibly sending a quivering finger toward the trigger that starts war, perhaps including thermonuclear holocaust. ...could he actually be someone who'd invite Armageddon, in a mad variation of the concluding scene from Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove"?

Given the overwhelmingly reactionary nature of this misnamed maverick's politics, we shouldn't vote for McCain in any case. For working-class Americans to do so would be like voluntarily opening wide their billfolds to mercilessly exploitative Big Business and High Finance thieves.

After all, peering into Monopoly's silk-lined vest pocket will reveal George Bush and John McSame, plus the entire Greedy Old Party, staring right back.

But it is McCain's instability, and quick belligerence, clouded by a blunted command of things as they actually are, that makes him most unacceptable.

( Read the rest of the article at: )