Most Americans are unaware that John McCain is infamous on Capitol Hill for repeated displays of volatile temper, often laced with language so foul that his "values-oriented" backers would be shocked to see how wildly vulgar their man can get. He isn't just a loose cannon in this regard, but a veritable, errant artillery battery of shoot-from-the-hip, dirty-lip verbiage directed at foe and friend alike. [And] I wouldn't want a Commander in Chief who confuses Sunnis and Shiites, thought that Czechoslovakia still existed, believed that Iraq and Afghanistan share a common border, etc. And certainly not one who doesn't know how many houses he owns, or imagines that $5 million is the threshold of wealth.
It's frightening that such muddle-headedness rides tandem with a slippery tendency for McCain to fly off the handle, spouting a blue streak, possibly sending a quivering finger toward the trigger that starts war, perhaps including thermonuclear holocaust. ...could he actually be someone who'd invite Armageddon, in a mad variation of the concluding scene from Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove"?
Given the overwhelmingly reactionary nature of this misnamed maverick's politics, we shouldn't vote for McCain in any case. For working-class Americans to do so would be like voluntarily opening wide their billfolds to mercilessly exploitative Big Business and High Finance thieves.
After all, peering into Monopoly's silk-lined vest pocket will reveal George Bush and John McSame, plus the entire Greedy Old Party, staring right back.
But it is McCain's instability, and quick belligerence, clouded by a blunted command of things as they actually are, that makes him most unacceptable.
( Read the rest of the article at: http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/16972 )
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