Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Don't Miss This One!!! A very special Keith Olbermann comment!

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment tonight is a REAL ZINGER! He speaks for millions of us! Everything he says about Bush the Idiot is absolutely true and has needed to be said by SOMEONE in the media for years! In this latest interview with, Bush has outdone himself in moronic statements -- and Olbermann is calling him on every one of those statements. Did you hear about Dubya's giving up golf (!) as his own personal "sacrifice" for the troops and their relatives? (Except he really didn't--he was caught playing golf after he "gave it up"). When I heard this latest Bush gaffe (Oh Lord, there have been so many of them!), I could hardly believe he could sink so low in consciousness. He has no awareness of others' feelings and not a clue as to how he sounds when he reels off the lies he has told over and over--and continues to tell, even though they have been proven to be lies. He has gone beyond the limits of Imbecile into a whole new realm of utter incompetency mixed with utter stupidity. How this moron could ever have been raised to the level of president is incomprehensible! How could ANYone have ever voted for him??? What WERE they THINKING?!!!! Watch the following video of Olbermann speaking for us -- and CHEER him on! YAY, KEITH!!! THANK YOU FOR TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS BRAINLESS NINCOMPOOP! Keep up the good work! We have needed a truth speaker in TV news reporting for AGES. You are like a breath of fresh air blowing through the stagnant, controlled media we have come to despise.

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