Saturday, May 31, 2008

McCain commits yet another foreign policy blunder

McCain commits yet another foreign policy blunder

From Crooks & Liars

But, but, but….that’s his strong suit. Right?


In comments to reporters on Thursday, McCain asserted that “I can tell you that it is succeeding. I can look you in the eye and tell you it’s succeeding. We have drawn down to pre-surge levels. Basra, Mosul and now Sadr City are quiet and it’s long and it’s hard and it’s tough and there will be setbacks.”

In fact, as the Obama campaign was quick to point out, the troop level in Iraq is at about 155,000 right now, well above the 130,000 that would mark a return to pre-surge levels.

And the McCain camp’s response:

Advisers to Sen. John McCain said the flap over whether the senator was mistaken about the troop level in Iraq is nothing more than “nitpicking” about “verb tenses.”

So the lives of 20,000 soldiers is just “nitpicking”? Nice to know you really “support those troops,” Senator.
